Thursday, December 25, 2008

Male nurse, anyone?? lol

After the dominican rum, coronas, smokey bathrooms lip syncing beyonce in harlem with Mr. 'Lightfeet' (lmao) himself and Number 7 in the morning I was still awake.

Back in bklyn though, warm and not sleepy. So I talked to my mom about reincarnation, healing spirits and angels. That is until I turned on Maury *Its a Man/Woman* and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt HORRIBLE. My voice is not normal yet which sucks being a poet and I can't breathe. Not to mention the fact that I can really use a massage.

After sleep, chicken soup, and pumpkin pie I felt extremely better. The laughs from my best friends and the love from my P.O.T's (POTential 'lovers') really helped but I'm still searching for a male nurse!

Any takers? *wink*

Peace Earthlings,

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