Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lack of sleep & bubble baths @ 6am

I can't sleep. At least I won't tonight. Partially because it was a hectic day, and on the other hand I have to get up early today to go to L.I.

Now after looking back, I realize these are mundane responses. Actually I'm up vibing off the Pink lavalamp (yes macario dropped it off earlier. Thanks! Lol). Its really dope. I can't turn it off, so I put it on my ipod on repeat. *shrugs*

This is making me nostalgic. Listening to the trials of charles' life from years ago makes me wonder what changed in my life. I also had suicide attempts, issues, family drama but how did I get through that??

Maybe the same way he did by isolating myself in my dream (writing). I'm scared to revisit the old poems/journals of those days I try so hard to forget. Its like picking at scabs or is it just like grazing your hand over an old scar remembering how you got it???

Whatever. It still makes me nervous.

I am starving now!! But its almost time for breakfast. I'm contemplating whether or not to take a bubble bath now. Continue zoning to the P. L. Lamp. Hmmm...maybe.

Peace Earthlings,

1 comment:

  1. i love that album.
    heard latte yet? hehe.
    thats my shit.
    yet...i heard it 2 years ago haha...sucka!
    these LI trips must stop while Erica is not home. :(
