Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Black Ice Love Tales

I gave my best friend some advice on blasts from the past today. I told her to be cautious when walking on black ice because you don't know when you might fall.

For some reason past loves can sense when you need them. They contact you after months or years of absence to rekindle bonds. But do you think bridges that have been burned can ever be rebuilt?

I talked to him today. Rooted firmly in Bangladesh and Jamaica. Feelings of 6th grade butterflies again like the day we met in bushwick. Why stop the 4yr silence to tell me secrets? I could've loved him at 11yrs old but now I'm not so sure.

He called last night. My nigerian shadow who would cloud me with doubt. We were just friends but maybe I took his expectations too far. Never to be more. We stopped speaking all of 2008, like we've never met. Like his mother didn't love me, like we never spoke for hours and shared our dreams. I'm sorry I loved you as a friend and that you loved me as your wife. What do you have to say before the new year? Your cold distance said it all.

Everytime I hear 'Come back to me' I think of my first love. How things could've been different if they were different. It was real but was it meant forever? We'll never know.

As for 'future' (which is what I'll name my new crush) when you're ready, I'll be here.

I think I'll need shoes with better grip to tread carefully over this 'black ice'.

Peace Earthlings,

1 comment:

  1. the roster deserves a more grandeur name lol.
    im glad to hear you have a "future" my dear.
    btw, i bust my ass on some black ice today.
