Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feel free to fly your pretty wings...

I cannot stop listening to the song Pretty Wings by Maxwell. Its so beautiful in a Slow Dancing In a Burning Room way by John Mayer, don't you think? Anyhow, thats what I'm trying to do. Fly.

Sometimes its hard to use your wings if they're so weighed down with life. I want to flex mine before I actually take flight. Jumping out the nest (comfort zone) like a baby bird. So here's an exercise to share with on my blog and to all my beautiful friends out there...

Queen GodIs put in her facebook status to write down your best advice then take it. I am going to attempt to do so, to give myself advice and stick with it. Here are some things I tell my friends:

1. Never settle. If i know you are wonderful then YOU should too.
2. Be confident. It goes a long way if you know how to use it.
3. Count your blessings!
4. Be grateful for what you don't think is enough to be grateful for because it is.
5. Remember that it could always be worse
6. Cry sometimes without being ashamed of the vulnerability
7. Be able to let someone in willingly
8. Leave your baggage hidden in your closet where it belongs until you are ready to sort through it. Don't take it everywhere with you.
9. Take some time for you! To be still, to do nothing, to get to know yourself

Thats enough for now. We'll see how good I do. I mean it is easier to dish it then take it. Try it for yourself. Only 2 things can happen...One your own advice could help you in your life OR you'll rethink what you say to others.

Peace Earthlings,

...and the plot thickens

Story of my life.

In some ways I believe things are getting better but in other ways things seem downhill. I've purged my room and rid my life of ALL baggage physically/emotionally. Spiritually I do not doubt that I am on the right path. I have never been so happy with my x-ray. Who I'm becoming on the inside is now totally outweighing the outside.

Brittany Patrice Bellinger (ME!) is satisfied with herself. <---damn that statement just sounds powerful. Try it!

I haven't been blogging as much lately for lack of internet and sanity. Being away from twitter and youtube and everything else that takes you away from the moment. I'm rediscovering the sun, ice cream, family, friends, paper, pen and every other little miniscule thing that makes me happy. Its nice.

I promise however to continue to open up on my blog...I mean you never know who this might reach or how it will affect you.

peace! *chucks deuces*

Friday, May 8, 2009

Out of sight, out of mind

Everyone needs a little prayer sometimes. I never claimed to be a highly 'religious' person (pay attention to the word religious) but I am highly spiritual. I happen to know the color of my own light...Thanks to BNV/UW 08!

So I've decided that once a week i would dedicate an entry to a friend that I felt needs a lil more support than I do. In hopes to share stories, prayer and love through the internet. Let's stay positive people.

This week is for my friend Rodney. He's a virgo like me, sweet, kind-hearted, very intelligent but right now is at a place in his life where he is being tested. He wrote to me recently and like always put my feelings before his. Trying to help me write again. So I'm sending all my positive energy & light his way. I hope you'll do the same!

Playing it close,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Getting wavy: We're swag surfing

Chanelle taught me about swag surfing...I'm not sure what to make of it yet but let's get your opinion.

Here's a video of some guy getting it IN! lmao

We even found footage of some men of Phi beta sigma swag surfing in a stroll. Chanelle believes it outdoes the shimmy. *chuckle*

Believe me ppl, we are just covering the basics in this new world of dance. We haven't even touched the west coast yet! Stay tuned for that.

Peace & chicken grease,

Keepin it in the [Stanky] south!

So if you watched the previous video then you would recognize the stanky leg and other southern dances. Apparently what I failed to realize; obviously is that there is an ART to doing the stanky leg! ::GASP::

Now hold that face and imagine how I felt when I stumbled upon THIS homemade tutorial video on stanky leg ettiquette. Smh.

Let's proceed...

Who Datt?? and other mysterious dances...

It all started a few months ago over facebook with a poet named Austin (aka Benn Broox) from the bay who now resides in kentucky at college. I met him last year at Brave New Voices and we kept in contact. He hit me up this particular day to have me watch his new music video on youtube entitled Who datt?

Long story shorter...I did. It was catchy, funny and cute. Entertaining as well. By the end of the song I was singing the hook and it was down hill from there. It opened up a portal into dances from different places I've never heard of.

*scratches head* Huh?! I thought harlem was bad before soulja boy took over the dance craze market but now I realize that this is a phenomenom. So after months of youtube, convos with friends and research I am here to inform YOU on what's going on in the world of dance.

Let's start with the vid that started it all...Who Datt by [my homie] Benn broox.

*to be continued*